What's On Queer BC • Magazine, Events and Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community

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Aging while Queer - Stories for Caregivers

Aging while Queer

Stories for Caregivers is an initiative designed to generate awareness about caregiving through the creation of original web series that showcase the inspiring work of caregivers across Canada. A few of the web series touch on the lives in the LGBTQ community:

Many LGBTQ+ seniors have faced a lifetime of systemic discrimination based on their sexual orientation and gender identities. This discrimination, particularly within the healthcare system, has led to many LGBTQ+ seniors lacking trust in mainstream social services. Many of them did not have children who can help take care of them and some may have also been cut off from their family networks.

Many LGBTQ+ seniors are faced with a limited set of options as they near their final stages of life. But the community finds its own way to take care of each other.

A Canadian video – Aging While Queer – hosted by Stephanie Erickson looks at how Montreal’s Grey & Gay supports those who need assistance as they age. https://www.storiesforcaregivers.com/aging-by-design-aging-while-queer-8-8/

Another video series is hosted by Joëlle Pouliot who is a journalist and mental health advocate. She also lives with bipolar disorder. In her series – Better – one episode titled: Another Chosen Family looks at how friends and community members play a huge role in caregiving — especially for people in marginalized and at-risk communities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5NMGNcJAxQ&list=PLNKwjxd98HaUt0dFTBvnPPV5E8wTV0bpi&index=4&ab_channel=StoriesForCaregivers

Hope you’ll give Stories for Caregivers a look. Thanks! 

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