Lesbian Visibility Weeks starts April 26


Diva Media Group hosts a week of panel shows and webinars in celebration of Lesbian Visibility Week 2021.​

Diva Media Group’s aim is both to celebrate lesbians and show solidarity with all LGBTQI women and non binary people in our community. They believe in unity, and lifting up those who are most marginalised.

As the leading LBTQ media group in Europe, DIVA Media Group reaches an audience of 250,000 users every month. In our engagement we are increasingly finding LGBTQI women feel that they are misunderstood and under supported.

Lesbian Visibility Week aims to show our solidarity with all LGBTQI woman and non binary people in the community, as well as celebrate lesbians. It is essential that Lesbian Visibility Week is a voice for unity and lifts up ALL women, especially those who come from marginalised communities. Recent research (Pride Matters survey, conducted by Pride In London 2018) has shown that gay women are almost twice as unlikely to be out in the workplace as gay male colleagues.

There has been a Lesbian Visibility Day since 2008.

Building on this, we want to create a week that recognises, celebrates and importantly supports lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women across the UK and beyond to be their true selves at work, at home and socially.

You can find a full schedule of events here


Lesbian Visibility Week events are FREE and will be live streamed through Facebook and YouTube unless otherwise stated.

​Sessions will be available to watch after the live stream on our YouTube and Facebook channels.

Please follow our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to support the events.