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Vancouver Park Board Pride - offerings for 2SLGBTQIA+ November

Social Craft Night, special swims and craft nights exclusively for IBPOC, instructions for online registration, and a reminder about the programs available exclusively for 2STGD folks.

Park Board Pride:  Social Craft Night

This is a session where you bring your own project and supplies to a shared space, and connect with other members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community while you create.  Your host is Christa Giles (the Park Board's Recreation Programmer 2, 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion) and her craft experience includes fibre and textiles, jewelry making, polymer clay, and more.

What is a social craft night?

This is a session where you bring your own project and supplies to a shared space, and connect with other members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community while you create.

Your host is Christa Giles (the Park Board's Recreation Programmer 2, 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion) and her craft experience includes fibre and textiles, jewelry making, polymer clay, and more.

Who is this for?

Park Board Pride events and programs are for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bi/pan, trans, queer, intersex, agender, gender diverse, and folks of other identies within this community.

Some dates will be exclusively for Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour (IBPOC) who are 2SLGBTQIA+, please check the program name and notes to see if this particular session is only for IBPOC.  See more information about this under the Swim Night section.

Project Guidelines

No glitter, sprays, things that spatter or stain, or scented projects or processes, please!

We provide tables and chairs, a couple power outlets to share, and access to a kitchen sink.

Want to see if your project is suitable, or get accessibility information for the space? Email queerinclusion@vancouver.ca

Cost, Time, Day & Location Information

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm at Hillcrest Community Centre in one of the upstairs rooms

This program is free, but space is limited, so advance registration is required for each date.

· If you have only been to the pool, rink, or library at Hillcrest, there’s a whole other space to be discovered!  From the main lobby, take the stairs or elevator up one floor to the Community Centre rooms.  We’re usually in 320 Multipurpose Room, just down the hallway from the attendents desk.

If you decide that you will not attend, please withdraw so anyone on the wait list can be accommodated.  As space is limited, please register for a maximum of 3 sessions at one time.  If space remains in another session the Monday before it begins, you may register for that session in addition to your initial 3 dates. 

Park Board Pride: Social Craft Night

20-Oct-22 431929

27-Oct-22 435789

3-Nov-22* 435733

10-Nov-22 435794

17-Nov-22 435797

24-Nov-22* 435784

1-Dec-22 435798

8-Dec-22 432789

15-Dec-22* 435785

*2SQT IBPOC only


Park Board Pride: 2SQT IBPOC Swim Night

13-Nov-22 434863

This swim session is for Two-Spirit, Queer and Trans folk who are Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, of all ages, shapes, sizes, genders, and abilities.

  • If you fall into that broad category, you are welcome. You can bring your white family or friends with you if their presence helps to anchor your attendance, and if they can commit to being mindful of the space that they take up in a 2SQTIBPOC-centred space. White folk cannot attend this swim on their own.

  • At all Park Board Pride swim events, we want to centre folks who are often treated poorly in mainstream swim settings, due to body size, shape, or markings; furriness or other physical differences; gender expression; use of mobility devices, or other qualities that aren’t valued or seen as equal or neutral.

  • All change rooms will be marked as "Universal" for this event, with private change stalls available but not required

  • If you have been accessing public swim sessions in the past year, please wait to register until Oct 30, 2022, to allow those who experience more barriers to have the opportunity to register in the limited spaces of this swim.

  • With 2 lifeguards scheduled, this swim is capped at 60 participants.

  • Regular pool drop in rates, 10 tickets or Flexipasses. Leisure Access Subsidy applies.

  • For more information, accessibility details, or to reserve a space without online registration, email queerinclusion@vancouver.ca


How To Register Online for Park Board Pride programs and activities

Start here if you don’t have an Activenet account already.  Make sure that you include the birthdates of all family members as you create your account, as the registration system will not allow you to register without age information.


Once you are signed in, use the Activity Search page and either search “Park Board Pride” to see all our listings, or use the course numbers listed



Exclusive programs for Two Spirit, Trans, and Gender Diverse people

We have a weekly swim & gym, a weekly workout, and seasonal swim lessons for 2STGD folks.  To get specific details for these programs (and to change your newsletter email setting from “general” to “2STGD specific”, please email 2STGD@vancouver.ca and include your gender identity, or that of your family members, to be added to this list.  We do not share specific program details with general public.

Set 2 of the 2STGD Swim Lessons will be starting in mid November, with the cut off to connect with us about registration on Oct 30.  If you or your child are Two Spirit, trans, or gender diverse, please email queerinclusion@vancouver.ca with SWIM LESSONS in the title to connect with Christa about lessons.

Have any suggestions or requests for new programs or single date activities?  Get in touch!

Christa and Dana are both working to expand program offerings, so we’re happy to hear your ideas!  Email queerinclusion@vancouver.ca with PROGRAM IDEAS in the title.

See this form in the original post

See this gallery in the original post