Site Stories - a Fringe Festival Walking Tour

Come witness a Fringe event that is an intimate conversation with what lies in the past, present and future of we know today as Vancouver.

This will be an interactive event where the audience can experience intimate and heartfelt storytelling, poetry and song.

The stories presented in Site Stories are the 'often not told' stories of Vancouver. The city is the backdrop, and the stories are the actors.

An auditory walking tour using lesser known Vancouver stories to tell a tale of a city in transformation and realignment. (LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Anti Poverty, Women's rights stories!)

NOTE: This is an audio play. You will be accessing the recordings on your phone. Please bring your own headphones. We will have a limited amount for you to borrow and some earbud headphones to sell at a small cost.

NOTE: This show will require audience members to move between posts on the island. This will likely take up to 75 mins to enjoy. Not accessible for visual or auditory impaired. However, options for folks with needs for mobility accommodations are available.

This show is a Fundraiser for WISH Vancouver.

Event Info

Venue: Roaming (Meet at Urbanarium)

Genre: Story-telling

Duration: 60 mins

Price: $12

Ticket Fee: $3

Show Info

Age Rating: PG

Access Tip

Content Warnings: Mature Language, Audience Participation


Key Themes: Storytelling, diversity, hidden history

Afternoon and Evening events to choose from Sept 6 - 15.

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