The Lucky Streak for ‘97 Babies: What to Expect During Your Jupiter Return

Photo by Melvina Mak on Unsplash

Photo by Melvina Mak on Unsplash

The Lucky Streak for ‘97 Babies: What to Expect During Your Jupiter Return

With six (6) planets currently in the sign of Aquarius, there is a clear and tremendous push for change on all fronts: be it in our personal lives and surrounding our partner(s), family, friends, or community, our professional lives in regards to career, reputation, financial gain or loss, or within the wider scope of our socioeconomic and political positions and how that all fits (or doesn’t), we are at the forefront of some intense and likely longstanding change.

With Jupiter joining Saturn in Aquarius earlier this year, a generation of people have now begun to experience the effects of their Jupiter Return - wherein Jupiter comes back to the very place he was sitting in when these individuals were born. This occurs for everyone roughly every 12 years, and while his return isn’t as foreboding as Saturn’s, it is still something extraordinary to bear witness to and talk about.

Because Jupiter is known as the Lord of Luck (see also: expansion, higher ideals and learning, and philosophy), most assume that his return every 12 years speaks to a streak of luck within our lives, particularly highlighting the areas of the House he has returned to. For some, he may emphasize our family of origin - the structure, dynamics, and experiences we had in our earlier years under our parent(s)’ roof. For others, there may be a spotlight on our creative affairs and talents, reigniting our love for our craft. And still, to some, it may have less to do with outward expression and everything to do with our more private, internal worlds: perhaps our spirituality or faith in the Other is shaken (or stirred - heh). Taking into consideration the aspects his return makes to both our planetary positions natally and in transit, we can make a calculated prediction of what our Jupiter Return will signify or bring up for us… and hopefully assume, too, that whatever change he brings with him is positive and prosperous.

There is an old quote from Shakespeare that I like to trot out when speaking of Jupiter, however: “These violent delights have violent ends.”

An otherwise intense statement, what it really boils down to is that too much of something good is a bad thing. While, yes, Jupiter brings expansion and luck to the areas of the House he lights up, there is a darker side to expansion to acknowledge and heed warning from.

Jupiter is the ultimate gambler, artist, and lover: if we do not set our own limits, a lucky streak of winnings will very quickly become losses, our creative pursuits become obsessions, and our passionate throes become toxic.

So, what can those born in ‘97 have in store for their first Jupiter Return in adulthood? We recommend casting a natal chart with transits [seen on] and taking note of Jupiter’s position, House and planetary sign rulership, and any aspects to him. And remember, too, that oftentimes the beginning of a Jupiter Return is marked by hardship - after all, how else can he clear a path to receive all of that luck and prosperity if not by breaking down existing structures first?

Rylen Moore is a queer freelance writer, LGBTQ+ advocate, and Child & Youth Care graduate. An Albertan-turned-Vancouverite, they use their astrological studies as a framework to better understand and work with at-risk youth as well as run their own chart-reading business. You can find them on Facebook for Moon horoscopes, weekly astrological content, and personal services @ It's Just A Phase ( .

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