Celebrate National PIzza Day Feb 9 with your sweetheart


If you have ever wanted an excuse to eat pizza, then National Pizza Day is the perfect opportunity for you. This tasty holiday is celebrated around the world!

What Is National Pizza Day?

National Pizza Day is an annual celebration of everyone’s favorite Italian dish. It is celebrated on February 9th in many countries around the world including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. On this day, people come together to enjoy pizza with family and friends. Some restaurants even offer special promotions or discounts on pizza that day!

How Did It Start?

The origins of National Pizza Day can be traced back to 1984 when a group of college students in the US decided to create a day dedicated to their love of pizza. They chose February 9th as the date because it was already known as International Pizza Pie Day (it also happens to be just one week before Valentine’s Day). The idea quickly caught on across the country and eventually spread internationally, making it one of the most widely celebrated food holidays in existence today.

What Countries Celebrate It?

National Pizza Day has become an international phenomenon over the years and is now celebrated in countries all over the world. In addition to those mentioned above, other countries like Italy (of course!), France, Germany, Spain, India, Japan, Mexico, Brazil and many more also celebrate it each year! No matter where you are in the world, chances are someone is celebrating National Pizza Day by enjoying a delicious slice or two (or three!).

Whether you're hungry for a classic pepperoni pie or something more adventurous like Hawaiian or Mexican-style pizza—or any other kind—National Pizza Day is your chance to treat yourself (and your taste buds) without guilt! So grab your sweetie or pod-mate and make plans for a Pizza Night. Pizza and games anyone? Or better yet - Pizza and Zombies!

(OK now I have to go see if there’s a National Zombie Day)

PS - there is. it’s known as World Zombie Day and happens on October 13. More on that in a few months!

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