Today is National Spaghetti Day - who knew?

When Canada Gets All Tangled Up

January 4th in Canada isn't just another wintry day four days after New Year’s Eve. It's a day when the nation collectively decides to get tangled up in the delicious world of spaghetti. National Spaghetti Day arrives with a twirl, a toss, and a whole lot of sauce, adding a dash of humor to the Canadian culinary calendar.

A Saucy History with a Side of Noodles

Spaghetti, the long, thin, and delectably slurpable pasta, has wiggled its way into Canadian hearts. While it may hail from Italy, Canadians have embraced spaghetti with open arms and twirling forks. The inception of National Spaghetti Day remains a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, encased in a pasta shell - but who needs an origin story when you have a plate full of spaghetti?

The history of spaghetti is a topic of considerable debate. What is clear is that various forms of pasta have been part of our diet for a long time. The Jerusalem Talmud, dating back to between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD, mentions itrium, a type of boiled dough that was common in Palestine. In the 9th century, an Arab dictionary describes itriyya as semolina-based, string-like shapes that were dried before being cooked. In a document from 1154, intended for the Norman King of Sicily, itriyya is noted as being produced and exported from Sicily. The 14th and 15th centuries saw a rise in the popularity of dried pasta, largely due to its long shelf life, making it ideal for storage and transport on ships during the age of exploration. By the 16th century, pasta had spread worldwide, following the routes of the great voyages of discovery.

A Forkful of Fun

Across Canada, from the bustling streets of Toronto to the snowy landscapes of Yukon, spaghetti takes center stage. Some Canadians partake in spaghetti-eating contests, testing their twirling skills and their ability to keep sauce off their shirts. Others engage in creative cooking challenges, crafting dishes like maple bacon spaghetti or poutine-inspired pasta - because why not?

Spaghetti on the Drive

Queers in Metro Vancouver are familiar with Commercial Drive, a destination for trouble-free wandering and hanging out.

But of course, it’s also home of Italian Day - a vibrant cultural street festival celebrating Italian culture, heritage and community - held typically in June.

There are many restaurants on the Drive that feature spaghetti. Ask Google and take yourself out for some pasta - we’ve given you a great excuse!

A Noodle-y Reflection on Pasta and Life

National Spaghetti Day in Canada is a day for joy, creativity, and a bit of silliness. It reminds Canadians that sometimes, life can be as unpredictable and twisty as a plate of spaghetti - and that's perfectly okay.

Sometimes, the simplest things - like a plate of pasta - can bring the greatest joy. It's a day to savour the flavours, enjoy the company, and maybe, just maybe, have a second helping.

Jude Goodwin is a queer artist and writer living in Vancouver, BC.