The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Everything you wanted to know

If you’re like me, you’ve spent th greater part of your life wondering why this movie is so popular. Why are people bringing rubber gloves and newspapers to the theatres. Why is it so often shown at midnight? And why do people throw toast into the air?

With Hallowe’en fast approaching (only 8 weeks away!) we’ll be seeing many opportunities to view, or take part in, this cult phenomenon at theatres and venues around the city. To get you ready for the experience, here’s some history, facts, and tips.

What is it?

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is a 1975 musical comedy horror film that has become a cultural phenomenon. Directed by Jim Sharman and based on the 1973 stage musical "The Rocky Horror Show" by Richard O'Brien, the movie quickly gained a cult following and is considered one of the most enduring midnight movies of all time. Known for its unique blend of camp, audience participation, and transgressive themes, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is more than just a film—it's an experience.

Here’s the Plot

The story follows Brad Majors and Janet Weiss, a young, innocent couple whose car breaks down during a storm. They seek refuge in a nearby mansion owned by Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a charismatic and flamboyant scientist who is hosting an eccentric gathering. The night turns bizarre as Brad and Janet are introduced to Frank-N-Furter's latest creation, Rocky, a muscular man designed to fulfill his creator’s desires. As the evening unfolds, the couple gets entangled in a world of strange experiments, seduction, and rock and roll.

Cult Following and Audience Participation

What sets "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" apart from other films is its dedicated fanbase and interactive screenings. From the late 1970s onwards, audiences began attending midnight showings dressed as their favorite characters and bringing props like newspapers, toast, and rice to recreate scenes. We’ve provided a list of ‘What to Bring’ at the bottom of this article.

Also, callbacks—scripted or spontaneous lines shouted by the audience—are a way for fans to interact with the movie, adding a layer of engagement rarely seen in cinema. See below for a list of typical Callbacks!

Themes and Legacy

The movie explores themes of self-expression, sexual liberation, and nonconformity, resonating with audiences who felt marginalized by mainstream society. The character of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, portrayed by Tim Curry, embodies this spirit of defiance, embracing his identity with unapologetic confidence. The film's tagline, "Don't dream it, be it," encapsulates the message of embracing one's true self, regardless of societal expectations.

Despite mixed reviews upon release, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has stood the test of time, becoming a symbol of rebellion and self-expression. It has influenced countless films, TV shows, and theatrical productions, proving that its impact extends far beyond the midnight movie circuit.

The film's success can be attributed to its inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, where fans from all walks of life can gather, dress up, and be part of a community. The audience participation aspect keeps the movie fresh, as no two screenings are ever the same. Whether it’s your first time or your fiftieth, the experience remains engaging and full of surprises.

What to Bring

Planning to attend a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? You’ll want to take along some particular items. But note: Often a theatre will include a Prop Bag as part of the ticket price for their screening. The RIO Theatre on Broadway for example, typically offers this. We’ll be posting the RIO’s upcoming screenings asap.

For those screenings where the is no prop bag included, here’s a list with tips for when to use them:


Although it has been used in the past during the wedding scene at the beginning of the movie, when the audience throws rice as the characters celebrate - it’s not recommended as the tiny bits are difficult for theatres to clean up and can attract rodents.


When to Use: When Janet covers her head with a newspaper during the rainstorm ("Over at the Frankenstein Place" scene), audience members use their newspapers to mimic the action.

Flashlight or Glow Stick

When to Use: During the song "There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)," the audience waves flashlights or glow sticks to add to the effect.

Rubber Gloves

When to Use: During Dr. Frank-N-Furter's creation speech, he snaps his rubber gloves three times. Fans often snap their own gloves along with him.


When to Use: During the celebration of Rocky's birth, audience members use noisemakers when the Transylvanians do.


When to Use: When Frank-N-Furter proposes a toast at the dinner table, audience members throw toast into the air.

Party Hats

When to Use: Worn during the dinner scene when Frank-N-Furter dons a party hat.


When to Use: Ring a bell when Frank-N-Furter sings the line, “Did you hear a bell ring?” in the song "Planet Schmanet Janet."


When to Use: During the song “I'm Going Home,” throw playing cards when Frank-N-Furter sings, “Cards for sorrow, cards for pain.”

Adulting Notes

NO Confetti NO Water Mess: Some venues may not allow messier items like confetti or excessive water due to cleanup concerns. Check with the theater in advance about any restrictions. See note about RICE above.

Be Considerate: Throwing items should be done safely and respectfully, without aiming directly at other audience members or the screen.

Callbacks to Know

Common Callbacks for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

✓ Opening Credits:

Screen: "Science Fiction/Double Feature" plays.

Callback: Shout, “Lips! Lips! Lips!” as the lips appear on screen.

✓ When You Hear: “Dammit, Janet!”

Callback: Every time Brad says “Janet,” shout “Slut!” and every time Janet says “Brad,” shout “Asshole!”

✓ During the Wedding Scene:

Callback: When the camera shows the wedding party, yell, “Where's the rice, you cheap bstrds?”

✓ When Brad and Janet’s Car Breaks Down:

Callback: As the car breaks down, yell, “Buy a new car, you cheap bstrd!”

✓ “Over at the Frankenstein Place”:

Callback: When Janet holds the newspaper over her head, shout, “Buy an umbrella, you cheap bstrd!”

✓ Introduction of Dr. Frank-N-Furter:

Screen: Frank-N-Furter sings, “I see you shiver with antici...”

Callback: Shout, “Say it!” as Frank pauses before saying “...pation!”

✓ During “Time Warp”:

Callback: Shout, “Jump to the left!” and then “Step to the right!” along with the lyrics. Many audiences will physically do the dance in the aisles.

✓ Dinner Scene:

Screen: When Frank asks for a toast.

Callback: Throw toast and yell, “A toast!”

✓ When Rocky is Created:

Callback: Shout, “Muscle-bound!” every time Rocky flexes.

✓ When Dr. Scott Arrives:

Screen: Dr. Scott crashes through the wall.

Callback: Yell, “Great Scott!” and throw toilet paper.


Not all Rocky Horror Picture Show are actual screenings of the movie. We thought we’d collect a list of upcoming shows - some are screenings of the movie, some are performances based on the movie characters, story and music - and we’ll be adding to this list as more events are posted.

🫦 Tuesday, October 15
MRG Live presents: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
49th Anniversary Spectacular Tour

A screening of the original unedited movie with live shadow cast: The Vancouver Rocky Horror Cast and audience participation! Plus a costume contest, and more! *Get exclusive tickets to the V.I.P. Meet & Greet to meet Nell Campbell herself, have a personal photo opportunity, & get an autograph.

Venue: Vogue Theatre - Vancouver
918 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC
Doors: 7:00 pm
Tickets: Click Here

🫦 Saturday October 26
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Another instalment of Continental Breakfast's and PM's SELL OUT musical series! This is not the movie, but a performance presented by and starring the two hottest patooties in town - Continental Breakfast and PM with special guests.

Venue: The Bird House
44 West 4th Avenue Vancouver, BC
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Tickets: Cick here

🫦 Saturday, October 26
The Infidels Presents: Rocky Horror Music Show at the Fox Cabaret.
13 piece live band playing music from the iconic movie, plus your favourite Halloween songs performed by the Crypt Keepers!

Fox Cabaret
2321 Main Street Vancouver, BC
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Tickets: Click Here

MagazineJude Goodwin