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Vancouver Short Film Festival Calls for Submissions

By Daniel Itai

The Vancouver Short Film Festival (VSFF), is now open for the submission of short films with the festival set to take place from the 2nd to the 11th of June, 2023.

Films must have been completed by 2018 or later. VSFF accepts all formats and genres of short-form content (other than VR/AR content), including but not limited to, Narrative, Documentary, Animation, Experimental, Music Video, Web Series episodes, Drama, Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Fantasy, Noir, and more.

"For our 2023 Festival, VSFF is planning a hybrid format event, including in-person theatrical screenings in Vancouver, as well as online screenings available Canada-wide.

We focus on elevating talent from British Columbia (BC) and connecting BC creators to the greater film industry nation-wide. Building ties between emerging and established professionals, we provide an arena where all short filmmakers, including students, can showcase their films to a public audience and support their fellow colleagues. Our ultimate goal is to connect short filmmakers to a broader audience in order to grow local film industries," read a statement from the VSFF.

In addition, the VSFF laid out the terms and conditions of how one can submit their short film and which regulations to follow.

"All festival submissions in Canada categories must have at least one key cast or key creative crew member who is a Canadian resident. Should your film not have at least one key cast or key creative crew member who is a resident of Canada, your film will be disqualified and you will not be refunded your entry fee.

All festival submissions in BC must have at least one key cast or key creative crew member who is a BC resident. Should your film not have at least one cast or crew member (any role) who is a resident of BC you will be refunded your submission fee and asked to re-apply in a Canada category.

Festival Submissions that are submitted in the Canada categories, but are eligible for BC categories, will be accepted, but will not be refunded any difference in submission fee.

For the purpose of key cast or key creative crew member as outlined above for Canada categories, eligible roles include, Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Lead Performer/Main Subject, Director of Photography, Production Designer, Art Director, Sound Designer/Mixer, Music Composer, Picture Editor, Key Animation, or any other role that may reasonably be considered as a key creative contributor to the production. 

Please only submit your film to either a Professional, Student or After Dark category. If you are uncertain which category you should submit to, please submit to the category you feel is the best fit for your film based on the descriptions of the categories. Your film will not be eliminated from consideration for the After Dark screening category if our Programming team feels it is suitable as a result of your submission category, and vice versa. Your film may be selected for an After Dark screening block, even if submitted to a Professional or Student category, if our Programming team feels it is suitable.

Films must be no longer than 30 minutes in total runtime including credits. Please be aware that our programming blocks are only 80 to 110 minutes long.

Should your film be selected for the VSFF 2023 programme, VSFF may opt to screen your film as part of future year-round screening programs, including retrospective, educational, and/or ancillary festival programming. If your film is selected for one of these screening programs, you will be notified and participation will be optional. Inclusion in year-round screening programs may go up to a maximum of ten years after the film’s premiere at VSFF," read a statement from VSFF.

Submissions opened on the 22nd of July, 2022 with the deadline being the 10th of February 2023. The notification date will be on the 1st of May 2023. Should you have any questions about your eligibility please contact submissions@vsff.com for assistance.

Categories & Submission Fees:

BC - Professional Short Film ($30)

BC - Student Short Film ($20)

BC - After Dark Horror/Genre Short Film ($30)

Canada - Professional Short Film ($40)

Canada - Student Short Fulm ($30)

Canada- After Dark Horror/Genre Short Film ($40)

Awards & Prizes:

Best Canadian Short Film 

Best BC Short Film 

Best Student Film 

Best Documentary Film 

Best Animated Film 

Best After Dark Film 

Best Director 

Best Screenplay 

Best Cinematography 

Best Editing 

Best Sound Design 

Best Visual FX 

Best Performance 

Impact Award 

Audience Choice

Venue for the VSFF will be at 1181 Seymour Street Vancouver, in the VIFF Centre – Vancity Theatre & Studio Theatre.

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