Youth and Families
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Vancouver Park Board Pride (Spring 2023)
For location details for the children and youth programs, email us at with basic info about how your child fits into the identities served, and we’ll reply with the specifics. These links will take you to a registration page.
Park Board Pride: Get Creative (7-12yrs)
Park Board Pride: Rainbow Rebels: Queering Comics (12-18yrs)
Park Board Pride: Queer Fit for Athletes and Allies (12-18yrs)
Note: The Park Board has supplemented the sport activities of an open gym with circus supplies – juggling, diabolo, kendama, and more! Coordination not required, we can be awkward together!
Park Board Pride: Social Craft Night (16 yrs & up)
Note: This Thursday (Feb 2) and March 2 are for 2SQT IBPOC folks only.
Additional note: Late arrivals are totally welcome any week, and many of us are neurodivergent so we share and understand any amount of social anxiety or awkwardness you may bring.
2STGD Drop-In Swim and Fitness Programs
Click the link above then scroll down to Current Programs, or email for the specific time/date/location of the programs that are exclusively for Two Spirit, trans, and gender diverse folk.
Guide to Surrogacy - Legal services concerning assisted reproductive technology and a guide to surrogacy from KZEL Law in Richmond, BC.
PFLAG - provide support for all family members and friends. We work to create an environment of understanding so our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender children can live with dignity and respect.
Queer Families and Allies - a place for all queer spectrum families, including the family and friends that support and surround them, to come together and share our daily adventures, get/share advice, and connect with other families and communities, just like ours. Facebook Group⇢
Tutoring - Maxine Beckie tutors math, english, and basic computer science / tech. “I am trans myself and I can provide a safe environment for queer and trans people. I do zoom or in-person. I have been tutoring on-and-off since the pandemic. I have a B.Sc in math from UBC, and I've worked in several different educational jobs. My goal: a safe and fun learning environment, adapted to the unique needs of each student. Website here
CampOut - UBC CampOUT! is a leadership and learning summer camp for queer, trans, Two-Spirit, questioning, and allied youth from across BC & the Yukon.
Youth and Teen Improv - Tightrope Improv Theatre
Wellness Beyond the Binary Resources Hub - a digital resource hub for-youth-by-youth that provides individuals of marginalized genders with a safer space to access gender-affirming healthcare resources across so-called “Vancouver”.
QChat - A peer support line and resource database for LGBTQ2S youth in British Columbia, Canada.
Youth in BC - Be heard. Get help. 24 hour crisis line. Online Chat.
Scholarships for LGBTQ Youth -
The Foundry, Vancouver-Granville. Offers young people 12-24 access to mental health and substance use support, primary care, peer support and social services.
Dan’s Legacy - The Dan’s Legacy Foundation provides therapeutic counselling and life-skills intervention programs to youth battling mental health and addictions issues
UNYA (Urban Native Youth Health & Wellness) -
Outside the Box Counselling - Counselling for parents of LGBTQ Youth -
Queer Books for Teens - a comprehensive list of all LGBTQIAP+ YA titles published between 2000 and 2020.
LGBTQ+ GROUP - Support and resources for LGBTQ+ immigrants, youth, families, and seniors. Ages 14+ For information, call MHHS at 604-879-3277 or email Edmond at DROP-INS WELCOME. Multicultural Helping House Society at 4802 Fraser Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5V 4H4, Canada.
PFLAG's Family Resources for youth and parents -
Trans Youth & Parents Program PLEA Community Services, MCFD, TransFamily Services & Purpose Society Website:
YouthCo - an organization of youth leaders within the HIV and Hep C movements. Our staff, volunteers, and Board members are all youth! Throughout our HIV and Hep C work, we work to be accountable to our values, and we take a peer approach to conversations about sexual health, harm reduction, and stigma.
Youth for A Change - Join our weekly meetings of fun, planning, organising etc for all our LGBTQ2SIA+ activities. We do workshops, art shows, presentations, perform theatre and spoken word and lots, lots more. Group is open to 13 years and up. Newton Youth Resource Centre at 114-13479 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3W 2W3, Canada. Mondays. 6:00 - 8:30 pm.
Surrey - ÊTRE : Young LGBTQ+ & Allies Drop-In
The Youth Space of South Surrey/White Rock @ 1845 at 154 Street, Surrey, BC. Last Thursday of the month 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Free. Ages 13-24. Allies Welcome.
Qmunity Youth Services -
Qmunity GAB Youth events - Facebook:
Surrey Youth Alliance -
Fraser Valley Youth -Weekly Drop-ins for LGBTQ2S+ and Allied Youth in the Fraser Valley.
Out in Schools -
Pride Education Network of teachers, administrators, support staff, youth and parents strives to make the B.C. school system more welcoming and equitable for LGBTQ students and staff, and queer families.
YMCA Youth Employment Services aged 17-30
Queer Youth Rises - Queer Youth Rises is a nonprofit organization focused on educating and preventing discrimination against the 2SLGBTQ+ (2-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) community. Queer Youth Rises makes a difference through social media campaigns, online workshops and activities, and providing necessary resources.