Pinkwashing vs. Genuine LGBTQ+ Support: How Can Companies Do More

Numerous firms initiate 'Pride activation campaigns' each June to demonstrate their progressiveness and showcase their logo's aesthetic appeal with a multicolored design. However, they fail to take any substantial measures to support or promote LGBTQ+ rights actively.

Corporations are actively promoting their diversity and inclusivity toward LGBTQ+ individuals through various means, such as sponsoring Pride events and publishing annual rankings of LGBTQ-friendly employers. This message is prominently displayed in corporate headquarters and websites and is supported by LGBTQ+ senior executives. However, what exactly do these pledges to inclusivity signify? What is their genuine function? And how do they manifest in practical application? Are they legitimate, or just another classic case of pinkwashing!? 

Pinkwashing Explained

The phrase "pinkwashing" originated in 1985, when campaigners for breast cancer awareness observed brands utilizing the pink ribbon, which symbolizes support for breast cancer research funding, as a marketing tool for their products. These firms faced criticism for appropriating the campaign while still manufacturing products that contained carcinogenic substances.

Pinkwashing is a linguistic blend of the words "pink" (often linked to LGBTQ+ movements) and "whitewashing" (concealing unfavorable realities). Companies that engage in pinkwashing use LGBTQ+ symbols, slogans, and endorsements to create the appearance of being supportive of the community. However, their activities do not coincide with these claims. This approach is potentially detrimental as it exploits marginalized communities for financial gain and has the potential to undermine the authenticity and trustworthiness of real diversity and inclusion initiatives.

In the contemporary era, characterized by the growing significance of political correctness and social responsibility, firms must exercise utmost caution in their actions and comments to evade criticism. Merely employing inclusive phrases and symbols without authentic support can swiftly result in allegations of pinkwashing and harm a company's standing. Consumers and stakeholders are increasingly conscious and discerning, demanding transparency and authenticity from the businesses they endorse. 

A Prime Example of Pinkwashing

Regrettably, many corporations have succumbed to the practice of pinkwashing as they want to associate themselves with social concerns and showcase their support for the LGBTQ+ community. These errors in judgement act as instructive stories, emphasizing the significance of sincere dedication rather than superficial actions. Presented below is a prominent instance of pinkwashing that has garnered substantial disapproval and outrage.


The prominent fashion retailer introduced a Pride collection under the tagline "Love for All." However, the company received criticism when it came to light that the collection was unavailable for purchase in Malaysia. In this predominantly Muslim country, engaging in homosexual activities can result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years. In addition, the product was not accessible in 20 out of H&M's 72 regions, such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, where same-sex relationships are prohibited.

A Prime Example of Legitimate LGBTQ+ Support 

Reportedly, approximately 10% of the global population identifies as queer. As this fact gains acceptance in Western countries, the gambling industry, including online casinos, is increasingly open to embracing this 10% as a valuable segment of their growing market.

Modern casinos are implementing several inclusive tactics, such as:

  • Marketing: Casinos have joined the rest of the West in including LGBTQ+ themes in their marketing and advertising. Feature LGBTQ+ people in ads and fund community activities.

  • Partnerships: LGBTQ+ events and campaigns are sponsored by several gaming corporations. Some casinos and online gambling platforms fund Pride, LGBTQ+ sports teams, and community activities. These sponsorships support LGBTQ+ groups financially and increase awareness. For this type of assistance, What's on Queer offers a Champions magazine section on its website.

  • Practices & Policies: Gambling firms are implementing inclusive practices internally. This includes non-discrimination rules, same-sex partner benefits, and LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. Staff and consumers are educated about LGBTQ+ issues to promote industry diversity and understanding. 

Looking Beyond the Rainbow Flag: How Companies Can Avoid Pink Washing

Although some companies have encountered criticism for only appearing to assist the LGBTQ+ community, there are strategies to guarantee that your endeavors are perceived as authentic and influential. 

To avoid pinkwashing, one must demonstrate dedication to being genuine, open, and taking substantial actions. Companies could investigate potent techniques and exemplars of programs that exhibit genuine allyship and backing for LGBTQ+ rights, aiding companies in cultivating trust and nurturing enduring ties with the community.

Show a genuine commitment to inclusivity.

Merely expressing verbal support for diversity falls short, so it's important to ensure that inclusivity is evident in your external communications and internal policies. This involves cultivating teams with a range of backgrounds, guaranteeing fair treatment for all, advocating for representation in top leadership positions, and showcasing dedication through tangible outcomes that foster a sense of inclusivity for all.

Collaborate with organizations that make a difference

No brand can accomplish everything by itself. In addition to creating pride-themed products and contributing profits, consider collaborating with local organizations that advocate for LGBTQ+ education, health, or social causes. Create lasting partnerships and collaborate on groundbreaking projects aligning your brand with the cause.

A clear purpose vs. getting caught up in hype and excitement

Establish a strong foundation for your brand by embracing its fundamental principles and connecting them with authentic social responsibilities. Don't unthinkingly follow the crowd and conform to popular trends. Instead, carve out your unique path and create a strategy that values integrity and sustained dedication. Avoid shallow displays of corporate pride, as they are quickly recognized as insincere and disregarded.

Reliable, ongoing assistance

Supporting the LGBTQ+ community should be an ongoing commitment, not just an event that occurs every June. Brands must maintain a consistent level of support throughout the year to demonstrate authenticity and transparency.

Inform and promote understanding.

Ensure your team is well-informed about LGBTQ+ issues and foster a work environment that is safe and inclusive for everyone. Ensure equal opportunities and create a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ employees. 

Final Thoughts

To combat pinkwashing and truly support diversity and inclusion, brands need to go beyond surface-level gestures and make a genuine, long-term commitment to action. By prioritizing purpose and authenticity, embracing inclusivity, collaborating with impactful organizations, offering ongoing support, and raising awareness, brands can establish trust and cultivate enduring relationships with the LGBTQ+ community.

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