The Potential for An LGBTQ+ Led Review Site
The Potential for An LGBTQ+ Led Review Site
The LGBTQ+ community is growing more and more by the year. As time has gone on, there have also been numerous publications released that help to showcase the community and everything that it has achieved. With all of these new advancements have come new opportunities. The potential for an LGBTQ+ website is huge, and it certainly presents a lot of exciting possibilities.
Exploring the Possibility of an LGBTQ+ Review Site
Our readerbase knows how much we value sites dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. And while there are plenty of options out there to tell us what's on or provide news, there could be a gap in the market to have one that focuses solely on reviews of venues and events.
It could also provide simple things, like signing up for newsletter campaigns or discounts via email. To do this, people often have to state their gender, which businesses will cite as being for marketing purposes: establishments that offer the option to avoid stating this, or to put alternative options would be very positive. Having an intuitive list of venues that offer the option to omit gender on things like gig tickets would also be a very positive movement. Having a list of places that are LGBTQ+ friendly - openly or just by nature - would make it much easier for people in the community to go to places where they feel accepted.
Numerous industries have already taken the review model and so a site of the kind we're proposing has plenty of examples to base itself upon. The King Casino Bonus website is one of those. They list different aspects of each casino site they review, including the pros and cons for users, bonuses offered, and number of slots available. A site that follows a similar structure, but instead showcases how good each venue is, how inclusive it is, and any other information that someone might find useful. This could apply to the online world, as well as the physical world we live in.
Covering Travel, Literature, and Film
It wouldn’t just have to cover services. A site designed to cover media that is LGBTQ+ friendly could also be a good idea. Literature that sheds light on the community, as well as different perspectives, could be welcome while highlighting books or forms of media that help to highlight issues that are relevant within the community. Travel destinations that welcome those from the LGBTQ+ community, like the MisterB&B site offers, or amenities that specifically cater to people who don’t identify with a gender could also be a good addition, as well as advertising local bars or clubs that have a focus on the community. This could help to provide a haven for those who identify differently, providing them with a convenient way of finding venues and local offerings. It could also highlight forms of media, as listed below. It wouldn’t have to be limited to movies either. LGBTQ+ artists could also be advertised, along with their upcoming tours and where to find cheap tickets.
Having a site like this could prove to be a very useful tool for so many, especially if it had a comment or forum section that invited input from people who have attended venues, read books, or seen movies that represent LGBTQ + communities.