Out in Vancouver Dec 14 - 22 with Tom Coleman
Photo: The Crystalline Cabaret
Winter Pageants and Snow Queens. Christmas Karaoke and Drag Queen Bingo. And who’s in the comedy basement this week? Tom tells all with this week’s Out in Vancouver.
Friday, Dec 14
Rainbow Roundtable Holiday Party
It’s the final night of their Fall session so what better reason to have a soiree for the members. Celebrate the holidays together with some good food, company and some great prizes and gifts with catering provided by Boston Pizza, Blenz and Boy With A Knife (okay that last one sounds like a circumcision is thrown in, but I guarantee it is a caterer). Prizes Sponsored by: Save on Foods, Vancity, PharmaSave 2949 Main Street, Nester’s Market, Little Sisters, Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, Denny’s, Pink Lime Spa & Salon, Masc, Banana Tans, Barber & Co, Love Your Age Fitness & Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.
6:30—8:30pm. Roundhouse Community Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews. $5 drop in. Members please email therainbowroundtable@gmail.com to check on availability. Rainbow Roundtable
The Crystalline Cabaret’s Winter Pageant
As glittering frost starts to descend on the city, we invite you inside the Havana Theatre for a celebration of winter warmth and nostalgia. The Crystalline Cabaret’s Winter Pageant is a shimmery extravaganza that mixes old school holiday special with live theatrical oomph and originality. From burlesque to drag, from dancing to singing, this show will whisk you away to a dreamy wonderland!
10pm. Havana Theatre. 1212 Commercial Drive. $20. Crystalline Cabaret.
Ricecake: King Pao Christmas
Tis' the season to be holly, jolly and gay! Ricecake: King Pao Christmas is home for the holidays, so bring on the glitter and Sichuan spice to Vancouver's only Queer + Asian dance party! Ricecake is taking over the city's new sweet and sour spot so jingle your bells and balls all night long with Vancouver's local Asian Talent. Naughty, or nice, everyone's invited to this Winter Melon Wonderland!
10pm. The Clubhouse, 238 East 1st Ave. $15 at door. Ricecake
Saturday, Dec 15
Last Minute Xmas Popping
One of Vancouver’s sexiest artists, Luc Latulippe, is having a last minute pop up shop to highlight his amazing “Tom of Finland meets Barbarella meets Godzilla” fashionable T Shirts plus a lot more items for those of us that haven’t finished our gift shopping, or more to the point, presents for ourselves to put under the tree. Best part is the little hunk will strip down and model the shirt for you if you ask nice. If you see me there remember I do accept presents!
1—5pm. Pork Pie, 1765 Pendrell Street. Xmas Popping
Steev Letts In The Comedy Basement
Steev is a mildly thuggish but extremely lovable gay oaf. He finds inspiration in the many gross rituals that unite us all and aims to make you laugh at that which makes you cringe. If you need to get back at him make sure you have a rubber snake, he screams like a girl at the sight of them. Steev’s style is loud, sweaty, self-deprecating and oddly sweet. Watching Steev perform is like seeing a caged bear try to befriend its own reflection – equal parts cute and sad with lots of confused grunting and moaning: throw in begging and you’ve got his Saturday night date ritual.
7:30pm. The Comedy Basement, 605 West Pender St (it really is the basement). $10 at door. Comedy Basement
A Traditional Christmas With "The Royals"
That’s the Surrey Royals you know. Hosted by Reign 14, this show is co emceed by Empress Adrien & Empress Myria. They will have a raffle with lots of prizes and a traditional Christmas show, with a few surprises thrown in. As a thank you for your years of support there will be no cover tonight.
7:30pm. White Horse Lounge, Turf Complex, 12411 King George Hwy, Surrey. The Royals
Monday, Dec 17
International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
Tonight, is a group photo exhibition of "The Resistance: Experimental Photography Project" at Interurban Art Gallery in honour of International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers. Freelance photographer Jackie Dives launched The Resistance: Experimental Photography Project, an eight week workshop for sex workers at Vancouver's PACE Society. Through playful, free-form exploration, the project called on participants to activate their creative voice to counter stigma, reaffirm agency, and resist mainstream narratives of sex work. Their work invites viewers to re-imagine the cliché image of the sex worker as a collective act of resistance. Wine and beer will be available for purchase, and light snacks provided. Artist prints will also be available for purchase.
7—9pm. InterUrban Art Gallery, 1 East Hastings St. End Violence Against Sex Workers
Have an enjoyable night of fun with the 3 misfits of the Davie Village, Molly Poppins, Xana X and as always bringing up the rear, the amazing Del Stamp. Word to the wise: pre-call in sick for work tomorrow, I’ll never tell.
11pm. The Junction, 1138 Davie St. Cover $5. Misfits
Tuesday, Dec 18
The Final Shame Spiral
Well the end of an era is almost here, Dec 31 the doors closer on 1181 and XYYVR unfortunately. For the sweatiest drag show in town, this is it. Your final chance to be in the splash zone as a (messy dumpster) drag era comes to an end. You do not want to miss Peach Cobblah's final Shame Spiral, after 4.5 years of serving you Tuesdays you'll never forget, but always regret! Featuring your hostess, East Van's Cheapest Date Peach Cobblah and cutie Dom Top (purely a name, he'll take what he can get). They are kicking the night off early with a very special 9 pm show featuring Peach and Berlin - you'll get another invite to that one! So, spend the night with them because the countdown is on to the end - you don't want to miss this. Peach I know this isn’t the end for you but until the next show you will be missed.
9pm—3am. 1181, 1181 Davie St. Shame Spiral
Christmas Karaoke
Since everyone already knows all the words, just by being in any store the last month where they play continuously, so why not do a little Christmas karaoke. Best part is, no matter how bad you are everyone always sings along. Come down and sing your favourite Christmas song. All Christmas songs all the time! Hosted by Ryan Barker of Euphonic Entertainment.
9:30pm—2:30am. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. Christmas Karaoke
Wednesday, Dec 19
Snow Queens
Seriously, this isn’t the 90’s so these Snow Queens are not the ones doing a little bump of white snow in the bathroom stall. For one night only, hostess Alma Bitches has assembled some of her best elves to sleigh the house down. It's time to put your chest nuts on an open fire. Ring in the holidays with some of Vancouver's top drag talent and watch these Ho, Ho, Hoes. Baby it’s cold outside.
8:30—10:30pm. Celebrities, 1022 Davie St. $10 at door. Snow Queens
Friday, Dec 21
Boob Tube 2.0: Drag Race All Stars 4
This is your friendly neighborhood homosexual television program screening social event. Boob Tube is a free TV party hosted by East Van odd couple, Ponyboy and Thanks Jem. Come one, come all to mommy and daddy's living room, for a gay ass party that's all about family values, and a little RuPaul of course.
6pm. The Clubhouse, 238 East 1st Ave. No cover. Boob Tube 2.0
Drag Queen Music Bingo
Bingo, Drag Queens, music, dancing, prizes AND an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party with yes, a prize for the ugliest sweater of all.
6pm—midnight. The Stage In Mission, 32998 1st Ave, Mission. $5 at door. Drag Queen Bingo
Sound Of Music Sing a Long
Calling all Nuns, Goat herders, Baronesses, Captains, and governesses: somewhere in that list will be Conni Smudge, I can feel it. Wave your Edelweiss this as the hills of Commercial Drive are set to come alive with the Mother Superior of movie musicals, so get ready to yodel, people. This is your chance to sing-a-long to the most iconic films of all time, complete with lyrics on the screen, the bouncing ball, prop bags, a costume contest and so much more. Costumes are highly encouraged (because costume contest!!!), and audience participation is absolutely essential. This event will be hosted by a few of their favourite friends from the Geekenders – whether you’re 16 going on 17, a lil’ younger, or a lot older, you’ll have a blast!
6:30pm. The Rio Theatre, 1660 East Broadway St. Tickets $18 advance at Sound Of Music or $22 at door.
Uncle Janes Crystal Queer Comedy
Uncle Janes are here to make your holiday season a little bit GAYER! (as if Santa wasn't gay enough already) Vancouver's freshest improv comedy show for queer-identifying funny folks! Bringing together an ensemble cast of improvisors that aims to provide a safe, supportive environment to perform improv comedy exclusively with those who identify as LGBTQ+. An Improv comedy show with scenes inspired by our guest monologist - Brandon Yan - telling real-life stories!
8—9:30pm. Little Mountain Gallery, 195 east 26th Ave. $10 at door. Uncle Janes
Late Night Snack
Guess who’s back in the house? Heels (maybe) click-clacking about? They are back again to serve you a platter of some of some of Vancouver’s most talented drag artists! This ain’t your typical “holiday show”: they won’t be serving milk and cookies HENNY. Theyève got more delectable things to worry about. Come for dinner (the food is amazing), stick around for the wonderful show, and EAT IT! Come support the diner that keeps on giving. Save On Meats impact in the lower East Side is undeniable, and now they want to provide a new safer space for queer expression to flourish. Late Night Snack will fill you up, not just physically, but emotionally. Come take a bite, sit back, and enjoy your meal with a stellar show.
9pm—midnight. Save On Meats, 43 West Hastings St. $10 at door. Late Night Snack
Kinky Santa Ball With Cherry Poppins
The holiday season is here and what better way to celebrate a Kinky Christmas? Having a KINKY SANTA BALL of course! Dress code is way more relaxed for this event but still they suggest having that fetish and kinky inspired look. This is really quite simple. Dress in your holiday themed ideas and add a kinky accessory and you’re done! Or start ultra fetish and simply add a Santa hat or go wild with some faux fur. Don’t have anything to wear? Get creative with a wide red ribbon! Just be creative when hanging your Mistletoe.
10pm—3am. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. Advance tickets, $15.00, and info at Kinky Santa Ball or $18 at door.
Saturday, Dec 22
The DRAG Show Christmas Dinner
Mz Adrien knows how to stuff a turkey, even a chicken, but seriously I think that girl needs a good stuffing herself. This is Mz Adrien's annual Christmas Show & Dinner. Feel like you are at a family dinner, just grandma is a Drag Queen. Dinner and show and lots of dancing.
6pm—midnight. The Stage In Mission, 32998 1st Ave, Mission. Tickets $15--$40, and more info at Mz Adrien Xmas Dinner & Show
What better way to forget about shopping, traffic, the rain, holiday parties than ripping off your clothes and dancing the night away in just your undies. Maybe you’ve got just the right package somebody wants for Christmas. Yes, there is a clothes check, yes there are hot men and yes DJ Del Stamp will tie up your package with a nice bow and ribbon, after he has inspected it personally of course.
9pm. Pumpjack Pub, 1167 Davie St. Cover $5. Peel
New job, new great site but same old me. I will try to continue to keep you updated, entertained and hopefully not tell too many secrets about any of you. I attempt to cover the top dozen, or couple of dozen, events that not only interest me but a wide variety of others.
Please feel free to send me any listings you would like posted but they must be LGBTQ+ themed, whether it is a meeting, art show, event party, seminar, restaurant opening or anything else. tomsnewlistings@outlook.com TOM