Monday Monday, July 9
Photo:Twitter: Guayana Trans United. A History of Pride Celebrations from Around the World
Monday Monday is a weekly update of interesting things from around the world of queer, but mostly in the BC Lower Mainland. It's Pride season and there's so much going on!
On the street
NightBus from Downtown Vancouver - wait comfortably in a central, well-lit environment on the corner of Georgia and Granville. Starting at 2:00 am, the NightBus operates every 30 minutes or better, seven days a week. Read more here -->
The Really Gay History Tour - take a walk on the wild site. Discover the stories of an LGBTQ2+ community that fought back. Visit the sites of bookstore bombings, police raids, Imperial Court coronations, the “Kiss-Ins” of Granville Street, and the gayest beer parlour in town. Explore Robson Square, Granville Street, the tree-lined West End, and the historic Davie Street Village. Forbidden Vancouver offers tours every Sunday 2:00 pm and every day during Pride Week: July 22 - August 4, 2:00 pm. Tix and information here -->
In the news
The WHO declares that transgender people are not mentally ill—a move that could accelerate trans equality worldwide. Read more on Slate here -->
Starbucks Just Adopted the Most Comprehensive Trans Health Policy in the World. The coffee company has included coverage for gender-reassignment surgeries in its employee health plan since 2012 but now their Transgender Medical Benefit lists lifetime coverage for everything from hair graft and voice therapy to facial feminization and breast augmentation — Read more on Them here -->
Fighting Isolation Helps LGBTQ Elders Thrive, Study Finds. More than anyone, LGBTQ elders need strong social networks. No matter where they reside, LGBTQ elders face increased challenges when it comes to accessing healthcare and affordable housing. Read more on NewNowNext here -->
A New Pride Flag? Poll Finds Gay Men And Older LGBT People Are Most Opposed To A Brown Stripe In The Pride Flag but LGBT people of color, younger LGBT folks, and queer and transgender people are more likely to support the change. . Read more on BuzzFeedNews here -->
For Shoppers
Your Open Closet - Ann Boone and Lesley McHale cultivate body acceptance for trans people with their product line of body positive undergarments at Your Open Closet a new store across the street from Women's Ware on Commercial Drive. Read more here on the Georgia Straight -->
At the Gallery
Photos: A History of Pride Celebrations from Around the World. teleSur takes a look at the world's LGBT pride events through the decades. See it on teleSur here -->
From the Blogosphere
Hope everyone had fun during LGBTQ Pride month! Please be advised that happiness is now over. Queer wrath has arrived in its place. What comes after Pride Month? LGBT Wrath Month, according to this viral meme. Read more on Pink News here -->
The Impact of the Feminine Narrative on Our Culture. Anne Thompson from Squamish writes a thoughtfule and heart-warming piece. Read it on Blood And Milk here -->
Happy Pride!
Quests & Queers - and LGBTQA2+ Games Night. July 10. Storm Crow Alehouse on Commercial. Deets here -->
This weekend is the Fraser Valley Pride Celebration. July 13-14. There's a Walk, a Festival with music including Queer as Funk, a Youth Dance, a Dinner and Variety Show and more! You'll find all the events and information on their Facebook page here -->