Canadian Government budgets $100 million 2SLGBTQAI+ Action Plan


By Daniel Itai 

In their recent budget, the Federal Government has proposed to provide $100 million over the next five years, starting with the current 2022/23 financial year, to support the implementation of the Federal 2SLGBTQAI+ Action Plan, which was designed to support a fairer and more equitable Canada.

The proposal was revealed on Thursday and is part of the country's proposed National Budget for the 2022/23 financial year.

According to the government, diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice and there is still work to be done to make Canada a country that is truly equal for everyone. Budget 2022 is set to introduce new measures to promote a more equitable, more inclusive country, and to build communities where everyone is empowered to succeed.

However, the past two years, have been marred by systemic barriers and vulnerabilities faced by those that identify as 2SLGBTQAI+.

While Canada has made significant progress since same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005, many 2SLGBTQAI+ Canadians still face discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, which continues to result in persistent health, social, and economic inequities.

While this budget might seem a positive step, many feel it falls short of any real commitment to the community which would have benefitted from $500 million or even $1billion.

Wisdom 2 Action writes: With only $100M over 5 years, spread across federal departments–with who knows how much (if any) earmarked for 2SLGBTQIA+ civil society–this budget commitment is a disappointment. This plan was meant to galvinize and invigorate Government of Canada action on 2SLGBTQIA+ issues. With such a low allocation, it’ll be a small change from the status quo of departments rarely engaging with, let alone addressing, 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, or issues necessitating a 2SLGBTQIA+ lens.

The de-prioritization of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities is a symptom of systemic homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. The lack of significant political will behind 2SLGBTQIA+ issues shows that this government still does not recognize the horrible social, economic and health costs of anti-2SLGBTQIA+ discrimination or the level of crisis in 2SLGBTQIA+ communities

This Plan, which 2SLGBTQIA+ civil society organizations gave their time and wisdom to help inform, falls hundreds of millions of dollars short of what our communities need.



MagazineDaniel Itai