Out in Vancouver Jan 4 - 11 with Tom Coleman
Photo: The Dirty Betty Show
Happy New Year and welcome back to the quietest week of the year. I know you have all been inundated with party after party through the last two weeks so for this week only I have tried to stay away from parties and get you involved in other events.
Friday, Jan 4
Tea & Queer Poetry
Come share your most personal piece or read your favourite one! Hear others read pieces from popular queer writers, chat and socialize with other passionate writers and bookworms. They will have a short discussion on vulnerability and how the art of writing has helped our community through the centuries, followed by an open floor dedicated to those wanting to share. (Sharing will be completely optional.)
7—9:30pm. Karmabox, #233—515 West Pender St. Cover $7. Tea & Queer Poetry
The Dirty Betty Show
A Comedic Variety Show perfect for your saucy night out. Had a little too much holiday cheer? Join the Dirty Betties for their holiday hangover show! They’ll be serving up just what the doctor ordered: decaf coffee, and babes and getting saucy. Featuring Vancouver's hottest comedians, improvisers, and drag queens. This is one sassy night out you won't want to miss!
8:30—10:30pm. Café Deux Soleils, 2096 Commercial Dr. Cover $10. Dirty Betty Show
Saturday, Jan 5
Queer Swarm
All kinky and/or sexy queers welcome to come play, socialize, craft, tie someone up, get busy, meet someone new, beat someone fun, have sexy times in the sling or spread on a cross or table or anyplace else. Big dungeon. Screaming loudly is welcome. Swearing a string of curses is fun audio. Swacks of all sorts entertaining. Nice quiet needle or spirit scenes totally welcome, too. So are massage circles. It's your party! All scenes welcome and there is plenty of room and equipment or mattresses for however you hook up or get down. The only thing the space doesn't allow is fire play of ANY kind and no cop or military uniforms for Swarm.
5—8pm. Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph St. Cost is $10 or pay what you can. No one turned away. Queer Swarm
Sunday, Jan 6
Commercial Drag: Lord Of The Rings
One Drag Show to rule them all, one Drag Show to find them, One Drag Show to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. Welcome to Middle earth, they are so excited to share with you another night of magic! Don’t bother shaving your feet for this one, they doin’ it up Hobbit style! As they like to say… nÍ~V1 (Elvish for YEET) Lets party like its the end of middle earth!
8pm—12am. The London Pub, 700 Main St. Cover $5. Commercial Drag
Monday, Jan 7
Condom Packaging Party
We have used up all their stock over the holidays and now it is time to give back, no not the used ones, by packing up new condoms and lube into those adorable carry home packs. While you’re there you can chat with your fellow volunteers and finish the evening off with a meal from one of the fabulous restaurants in the neighbourhood.
6—8pm. The Pumpjack Pub, 1167 Davie St. Condom Packing
Tuesday, Jan 8
Men 55+
It is usually these types of holidays that make the older ones of us feel the loneliest as family and friends have passed on, activities become scarce and we are left with empty time on our hands. HIM offers a facilitated safe space to talk, listen, and share your experiences of conscious aging with other gay men. Topics include growing older, understanding issues of isolation, motivation, financial issues, physical health, sex, and more.
7—8:30pm. #310-1033 Davie St. Free entrance. Men 55+
Chocolate And Chicken Bones
Assumptions and stereotypes construct sex workers as snapshots: without a voice, without dimension, and without control of the perspective. This exhibition uses photovoice methodology to address misinformation and stigma about im/migrant women who work in massage shops and apartments. This project provides im/migrant sex workers an opportunity to self-represent their lived experiences and bring forth a dimension, reality and perspective which policy makers and law enforcement have neglected and dismissed. By using photovoice, migrant sex workers take control of the snapshots that tell stories about their lives. They control the camera and the perspective. They control what comes into the shot and what gets left out. They tell the stories. Show runs until Thursday, Feb 7, 12—6pm.
Tonight’s opening from 6—8pm. Sum Gallery, 425—268 Keefer St. Queer Arts Festival
Wednesday, Jan 9
Story Story Lie: Hot and Heavy
Scrumptious, scandalous, and unbelievable stories by a singer, a burlesque dancer, a handsome actor, a charming comedian, and a dashing improvisor. The catch is, someone’s lying. Spot the liar right and you could win a tantalizing toy from Womyn’s Ware. Warning: This show WILL contain strong language, somewhat mature and immature subject matter: the best kind of show.
7pm—8:30pm. Rio Theatre, 1660 East Broadway St. Cover $12. Story Story Lie
Tantric Massage on Men
Give your man an evening of sensual pleasure! Rev up his erotic engine and learn some practical methods in the art of erotic ceremony, the ultimate in foreplay. Discover a different and new way to connect with your partners body, mind and spirit. By the end of this evening you will be able to create an erotic event your partner will never forget. Get tips on the fine points of male genital massage, on ways to cultivate trust and intimacy, and on the simple sensual accessories that are sure to stir his passion. Bring a notebook and pen and for some of you probably a towel! This is an info-rich seminar!
7:30—9:30pm. The Art Of Loving, 369 West Broadway St. Tickets $25 and registration at Tantric Massage
Queer Prov
It's their first late show at a new location. Come join in for opening night of QueerProv in 2019. The kitchen is open until 10pm and luckily it is cheap wing night. Why not enjoy those wings with a double dose of Improv Comedy? The late show will a spectacle of technology. They will showcase many "high tech" improv games, culminating in an electric long form set featuring music (and perhaps some Drag).
9:30—11pm. The Junction, 1138 Davie St. QueerProv
Friday, Jan 11
Sink Deep
Start the new year off with Techno and a visit out of town, the perfect combination. The one and only Kasey Riot will be joining Black Kapp to keep you moving and motivated all night long.
10pm—2am. Copper Owl, 1900 Douglas St, Victoria. Tickets $15 and more info at Sink Deep