Queer Submission Calls for Writers
Illustration by Dall-e
Updated March 10 2025.
Do you have stories in your pocket? Have you promised yourself you’ll send them into a publisher in 2025? Here are a few queer calls for submission that will help you get going.
Some of the deadlines below have passed but we’ll leave the information up as an archive - you can revisit the publishers periodically to see if they have any new submission calls.
Many Thanks to Authors Publish for much of this list - you can subscribe to the service here.
37 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for March 2025
This is a monthly email blast from Authors Publish and a worthy place to start your search. If you use your browser ‘find’ function (command F) and type queer, or lgbtq, you’ll find at least six queer specific offerings.
The 2025 Queer Poetry Prize
Deadline: April 6, 2025
You are invited to submit to The 2025 Queer Poetry Prize! This spring, we encourage poets of all backgrounds to share any poems that meditate on the idea of “queerness.” These poems could explore sexuality, gender, or form. We do not require submitters to identify as LGBTQ+, because we hope to celebrate writers who are learning about themselves through poetry, in addition to those who identify as queer poets. Please send us your experiments in poetic form, meditations on relationships, and inquiries into yourself.
This prize will be judged by CAConrad, who asks submitters to consider the following prompt:
"Queering the language is what we do as poets, not only in content but also form. It's how the page is a possibility for both the poet and the reader, the space around the words may seem empty, but it is where our imaginations extend the poem, queering the vowel, vibrating from our bodies, the poem reaching out of writer and reader alike. Trust yourself in where you stand on how you love this world in your very own queer way. We need one another, very much so right now, and poetry is a divinatory fiber flexing the connection with every reading and rereading, strengthening our confidence in our right to breathe inside our queer bodies in a world where we create solidarity one poem at a time. I am very grateful to have been invited to read the poems for this contest. I admit that I'm never excited about having to choose a winner. I'm more excited about experiencing the music and the magic you will all bring to this moment of life on planet Earth." —CAConrad
Submissions are open from February 4, 2025, to April 6, 2025.
Exist Otherwise: We Are Not Going Back!
This journal is interested in work about identity, gender, trauma & recovery, as well as intuition & dreams. They’re currently accepting work on the theme, ‘We Are Not Going Back!’ – “Issue 14 will be a reaction, a declaration of resistance, a doubling down of queer and trans voices. Claude Cahun and her partner, Marcel Moore, were strident anti-fascists. They were so active in the resistance that they were captured, imprisoned, and sentenced to death. They only escaped that fate by the end of the war. So here’s the … theme for 14: We Are Not Going Back!” You can read more about the theme here. They accept “any kind of written work: poetry, prose, essays, fiction, creative nonfiction, scripts, hybrid, experimental writing, whatever.” There is no photography prompt for Issue 14.
Deadline: 28 February 2025 (see here – for Issue 14)
Length: Up to 1,000 words
Pay: $15
Details here (general guidelines), here (theme), here (editorial calendar), here (submission form).
Rainy Weather Days: Joy
Their tagline is, A defiant literary magazine. They’re reading submissions for issues 4 and 5 now. “Theme for this submission period—Joy! For this period, we would like to see more works focusing on joy, particularly POC and/or queer joy. This is also an act of protest. If submitting a work on this theme, please be a part of the community you are representing. … We are looking for works of protest that challenge our current status quo. This can be fictional prose of any genre, poetry, or nonfiction essays.
To be clear, the ideology of the work should oppose right-wing ideology, Nazism, Authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, white supremacy, etc. or uplift voices of dissent or marginalized voices.” Please note, they have a submission cap, and will close when this is reached.
Deadline: 20 March 2025, or until filled
Length: 1,500-15,000 words for prose, up to 5 poems
Pay: $25 per prose piece, $10/poem
Details here, here, and here.
All Nations Two Spirit Society.
Call for Submissions: Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer Anthology
The All Nations Two-Spirit Society invites Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer creatives to share their stories and art for a forthcoming anthology celebrating the diversity and resilience of 2SLGBTQ+ Indigenous experiences.
We’re seeking: Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Visual Art
This anthology will honor voices from various Indigenous nations, welcoming contributions from both emerging and established creators. Together, we aim to decolonize narratives and uplift the vibrant identities of our community. Submit your work here: https://bit.ly/4gncwEA
Room Magazine Submission Window Open
Room Magazine invites you to submit your writing to our Issue 48.3: Rest/Unrest, edited by Rachel Thompson, alongside Assistant Editor Holly Lam, and Shadow Editors Katie Stobbart and Hamdah Shabbir. Our editors are interested in sharp, relevant, and provocative works of CNF, fiction that is visceral, concise, and of deep emotional resonance, and poetry that urges questions, dreaming, and feeling inside the reader. In our art submissions, we are seeking works of glitches, surrealism, paper collage, photography, mixed-materials, and fabric-based art that supports our desire to knit together all the literary pieces we uncover during our submissions call.
Syracuse Cultural Workers: 2026 Women Artists Datebook
This organization “strives to nourish communities that honor diversity and creative expression, and inspire movements for justice, equity and liberation while respecting our Earth and all its beings.” You can read about them here. This is a call for artwork and poetry for their 2026 Datebook; they want submissions by women and femmes (LGBTQIAA+) only. They want “Inspirational Work that Promotes Activism and/or Healing.” Send up to 4 poems, up to 30 lines each. Pay is $70, and the deadline is 15 January 2025. They’re asking for artwork for this, and other calls too – please see their website. Details here and here.
The following publications and presses offer opportunities specifically for LGBTQ+ writers
Literary Journals and Magazines:
Honey Literary: Focuses on BIPOC women, non-binary, and trans writers, including those from the LGBTQIAP2+ community. They publish various forms and genres, including erotic work. The current reading period closes on December 16, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
AC|DC: Publishes short stories and creative nonfiction by LGBTQIA+ authors. They are currently open to submissions.
AURORE: A curated collection of erotic stories written by and for women and LGBTQ+ individuals, based on personal experiences. They publish nonfiction erotica.
ALOCASIA: A journal of queer plant-based writing, accepting submissions on a rolling basis.
Sinister Wisdom: A multicultural lesbian literary and art journal, founded in 1976. Always open to submissions.
Plenitude: Seeks submissions from LGBTQ2S+ writers only, with separate submission slots for Canadian and international writers. Each genre has a monthly submission cap. Pays CAD60 per poem and CAD125 per prose contribution (fiction and creative nonfiction).
Lavender Review: An international, biannual e-zine published in June and December, open to submissions of poetry and art by, about, and for lesbians, including content appealing to a lesbian readership.
The Gay & Lesbian Review: A bimonthly magazine of history, culture, and politics targeting an educated readership of LGBT individuals and their allies. Publishes themed features (2,000-4,000 words), reviews, interviews, and departments. Pays $250 for features and $100 for full-length book reviews.
Screen Door Review: Publishes work by individuals who are Southern and queer, including flash fiction and poetry.
Prismatica Magazine: An LGBTQ fantasy and science fiction magazine that publishes short stories, poetry, reviews, interviews, and articles. They have specific submission guidelines.
Presses and Anthologies:
Blind Eye Books: Publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. They do not publish short story collections, poetry, erotica, horror, or non-fiction. Manuscripts should be between 70,000 and 150,000 words.
Arsenal Pulp Press: A Canadian independent press that publishes a wide variety of work, prioritizing works by LGBTQ+ and BIPOC authors.
Random House Canada: Open to submissions exclusively from LGBTQIA2S+ and BIPOC writers, as well as those from other traditionally underrepresented communities. They are particularly looking for high-quality commercial fiction in genres such as literary, romance, speculative fiction, historical fiction, and mystery.
Scholastic Canada: Open to direct submissions from Canadian authors or those focusing on Canadian content, who are from underrepresented communities, including LGBTQIA2S+ writers.
Forever (Hachette Book Group): The romance imprint of Hachette Book Group and Grand Central Publishing, open to direct submissions from BIPOC-identifying authors.
Sourcebooks: Their fiction imprint, mystery imprint, young adult imprint, and three of their children's book imprints are open to works that directly promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. Authors can reach out via InclusiveFiction@Sourcebooks.com.
Queer Adventurers LGBTQIA Writing Contest. Restrictions; Open to any writer 18+ from anywhere in the world who identifies as LGBTQ+. Genre: 1,000 to 1,500 word personal essays on the theme of Border Crossings. Prize: $150. Deadline: October 31, 2024.
Rough Cut Press: Splinter
They publish work from the LGBTQIA community, and have monthly themed submission calls. Send short prose of up to 650 words on the ‘Splinter’ theme. Pay is $25. The deadline is 27 October 2024
Honey Literary
Honey Literary is a space for BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color and any combination
therein). They publish BIPOC women, non-binary and trans people, disabled writers, and anyone of color from the LGBTQIAP2+ community. They publish a variety of forms and genres, and are open to Erotic work. They publish two issues each year, one in winter, and one in summer. Their current reading period closes to submissions on December 16th, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
They publish short stories and creative nonfiction by LGBTQIA+ authors. They are currently open to submissions.
This publications tagline is “a curated collection of erotic stories written by and for women and LGBTQ+ based on their own experiences”. They publish nonfiction erotica and their website is NSFW, please do not visit it if you are under 18.
They want submissions from LGBTQ2S+ writers only; their Submittable has separate submission slots for Canadian and international writers. Every genre has a monthly submission cap. Pay is CAD60 per poem, CAD125 per prose contribution (fiction and creative nonfiction), CAD100 for book reviews and Genre Bender (hybrid) submissions. Details here and here.
Lavender Review
An international, biannual e-zine published in June and December, they are open to submissions of poetry and art by, about, and for lesbians (including whatever LGBTQ might appeal to a lesbian readership). Submissions are open year round.
Prismatica Magazine
An LGBTQ fantasy and science fiction magazine that publishes short stories, poetry, reviews, interviews, and articles. They have very specific submission guidelines so please read those carefully.
Random House Canada
The Canadian arm of Random House changed their submission policy have opened their policy exclusively to LGBTQIA2S+ and BIPOC writers, as well as those from other traditionally underrepresented communities. They are particularly looking for “High quality commercial fiction in the following genres: literary, romance, speculative fiction, historical fiction, and mystery. Please note that we do not currently accept screenplays, stage plays, young adult fiction, children’s fiction, or picture book queries. All non-fiction submissions must be submitted via a literary agent.” They are open to submissions internationally, this is not limited to Canadians.
Arsenal Pulp Press
A Canadian independent press that publishes a wide variety of work, prioritizes work by LGBTQ+ and BIPOC authors. We have reviewed them here.
Blind Eye Books
Blind Eye Books publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. They are a print publisher and their book covers are beautifully designed and really stand out. The books they have published have won and been nominated for a number of awards, including the Lambda. We have reviewed them here.
Scholastic Canada
They are open to direct submissions from Canadian authors or focusing on Canadian content, who are from underrepresented communities, including Black writers, Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA2S+ writers and writers who identify with other marginalized groups.
The Writing Barn Scholarship
The Writing Barn has a small but budding scholarship program available for our programming. Scholarships are awarded on the following criteria: seriousness of purpose, talent and financial need. They also offer specific Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity scholarships for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Neurodiverse writers, and writers with disabilities.
Write On! Contest for Metro Vancouver Youth
YACOS is hosting our annual Write On Contest! Youth are invited to submit their creative writing pieces to be featured online and in our magazine. Plus, a few winners will receive a prize.
YACOS is a queer-led arts program for youth that prioritizes the work of marginalized individuals, including those from the 2SLGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities.
To participate, send your work to youthartscouncil@gmail.com.
Open to ages 13-21 across Metro Vancouver.
All forms of writing under 1000 words are welcome!
Deadline: November 1st, 2024.
We’ll leave older submission calls below - because even though deadlines have passed, this will act as a good collection of queer magazines and journals for your future submissions! All of these deadlines are past
Submissions are open for the Close My Eyes Forever: Crime Fiction Inspired by Heavy Metal Hits anthology; pay is $25 and the preferred story length is 3,000-5,000 words; “LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC characters and authors very, very strongly encouraged.” Deadline 31 August 2024; details here.)
Apparition Lit: Harbinger
This is a quarterly speculative fiction and poetry magazine. They will be reading submissions on the Harbinger theme during the second half of August. As part of their equity initiative, they have a one-week extra reading period for writers who self-identify as BIPOC in their cover letters; they will also accept simultaneous submissions from writers who identify as Disabled, BIPOC, or LGBTQIA+ (see guidelines). Sadly, this will be the last issue of Apparition Lit – see the announcement for magazine closure here.
Reading period: 15-31 August 2024 for general submissions; will extend by a week for BIPOC writers (see guidelines)
Length: 1,000-5,000 words for fiction, up to 5 poems
Pay: $0.05/word for stories, $50/poem
Details here.
(Apparition Lit also has a themed flash fiction challenge, open on the first fortnight of every month – see guidelines.)
just femme & dandy: Drag
This is a biannual literary & arts magazine for and by the LGBTQIA+ community on fashion; they want work on the ‘Drag’ theme. They have detailed guidelines, including, “Our definition of drag is expansive, and we invite you to consider how drag as the performance of gender shows up in your lives. We want to hear about how/when/where gender is performed, the day to day lives behind the makeup, the politics of gender and normativity, different forms of drag, how this all coincides with fashion and dress. While we would love to hear from up and coming drag artists and independent fashion designers, this theme is for everyone, not just drag artists and enthusiasts. If you have something to say about gendered performance, we want to hear it! You are welcome to send us submissions outside of the theme, but submissions that relate to the theme are highly encouraged. We accept anything that can be displayed on a website: poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tutorial, illustration, comix, photography, painting, video, drag, costume/fashion designs, hot takes, interviews, and so on!” They pay $50 per text-based submission and up to $150 per multimedia submission (video, photography, image + text, fashion spread + interview, etc.). The submission deadline is 5 August 2024.
Rough Cut Press: Gasp
They publish work from the LGBTQIA community, and have monthly themed submission calls. Send short prose of up to 650 words on the ‘Gasp’ theme. Pay is $25. The deadline is 27 July 2024.
They want work from those who identify with and as any of the following: trans, two-spirit, disabled, neurodivergent, Mad, queer, crip, nonbinary, genderqueer, intersex. “This is a space for the words, works, and worlds of and by those whose bodyminds defy social expectations and invite new ways of thinking and knowing. We do not need to know the specifics of your identity/diagnosis/experience unless you want us to. We invite closeted and questioning people to share their work, as well as those whose experiences fall outside the confines of the language we used above.” They pay $10. They are open for submissions during January, March, April, June, July, September, October, and December.
This publications tagline is “a curated collection of erotic stories written by and for women and LGBTQ+ based on their own experiences”. They publish nonfiction erotica and their website is NSFW and please do not visit it if you are under 18.
A journal of queer plant-based writing. They accept submissions on a rolling basis.
They want submissions from LGBTQ2S+ writers only; their Submittable has separate submission slots for Canadian and international writers. Every genre has a monthly submission cap. Pay is CAD60 per poem, CAD125 per prose contribution (fiction and creative nonfiction), CAD100 for book reviews and Genre Bender (hybrid) submissions. Currently, are only open for Canadian LGBTQ2S+ writers. Details here and here.
Lavender Review
An international, biannual e-zine published in June and December, they are open to submissions of poetry and art by, about, and for lesbians (including whatever LGBTQ might appeal to a lesbian readership). Submissions are open year round.
Prismatica Magazine
An LGBTQ fantasy and science fiction magazine that publishes short stories, poetry, reviews, interviews, and articles. They have very specific submission guidelines so please read those carefully.
Bi Women Quarterly
BWQ features the voices of women “with bi+ sexualities (i.e., bi, pan, fluid, and other non-binary sexualities)” and they see “woman” as a broad category and welcome contributions those who identify as trans, non-binary, cis, etc. They publish articles, creative writing, musings, and more.
The Gay & Lesbian Review
The Gay & Lesbian Review is a bimonthly magazine of history, culture, and politics targeting an educated readership of LGBT people, and their allies that publishes themed features (2,000-4,000 words), reviews, interviews, and departments. They have announced a few themed calls, and they also invite suggestions for future themes.
The Scientists: Pioneers in the study of sexual difference
The State of LGBT Rights: What’s next for the movement?
The Travel Issue: The role of travel in LGBT culture
Writers can send proposals or complete pieces. They pay for features ($250) and full-length book reviews ($100).
Random House Canada
The Canadian arm of Random House changed their submission policy have opened their policy exclusively to LGBTQIA2S+ and BIPOC writers, as well as those from other traditionally underrepresented communities. They are particularly looking for “High quality commercial fiction in the following genres: literary, romance, speculative fiction, historical fiction, and mystery. Please note that we do not currently accept screenplays, stage plays, young adult fiction, children’s fiction, or picture book queries. All non-fiction submissions must be submitted via a literary agent.” They are open to submissions internationally, this is not limited to Canadians.
Arsenal Pulp Press
A Canadian independent press that publishes a wide variety of work, prioritizes work by LGBTQ+ and BIPOC authors.
Scholastic Canada
They are open to direct submissions from Canadian authors or focusing on Canadian content, who are from underrepresented communities, including Black writers, Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers with disabilities, LGBTQIA2S+ writers and writers who identify with other marginalized groups.
Aug 1: Call for Submissions: We Bleed, Too: A Black Queer & Trans Menstruation and Mental Health Anthology
For Info: https://forms.gle/D1VTbtU4qDLa8woh6.
NEW CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: - To the end: Divorce narratives from queer, trans, non binary, gay, bisexual, lesbian, two-spirit, gender-expansive, and intersex writers
IndigiQueer Anthology
Call for Submissions for IndigiQueer Two Spirit Anthology Inseparable from Our Land and Our Love: IndigiQueer and Two Spirit Voices
We are soliciting original, unpublished, short fiction, critical essays, memoir, creative nonfiction, and poetry by indigenous LGBTQ2S authors on the broad topic of IndigiQueer and Two Spirit identities for an anthology tentative titled Inseparable from Our Land and Our Love: IndigiQueer and Two Spirit Voices. Prose should be 2,000 to 4,000 words. Multiple submissions permitted. 12-pt. Times New Roman double-spaced .doc or .docx submissions to IndigiQueer2S@gmail.com before June 1, 2024. If you do not have access to word, please reach out to the above email to make other arrangements to submit your work. The book launch will be part of the IndigiQueer Weekend in Provincetown, MA, the weekend of Oct 25-27, 2024, in conjunction with panels, workshops, and readings.
Rough Cut Press: Dream
They publish short prose from the LGBTQIA community, and have monthly themed submission calls. Send short prose on the ‘Dream’ theme.
Deadline: 27 March 2024
Length: Up to 650 words
Pay: $25
Details here.
Misti Media: Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Boy George and Culture Club
This is a fiction anthology. “In the 1980s, the world had never seen anything quite like Boy George and Culture Club. English pop met fashion and androgyny to usher in the New Romantic era of music. … what better way to celebrate them than with outstanding crime fiction inspired by their music? … Your work must be based on a song that’s an original Boy George and/or Culture Club song and cannot be a cover performed by them …(and) must relate strongly to the song it’s inspired by, whether that’s by the lyrics or the name.” And, “LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC characters and authors very, very strongly encouraged. Be authentic! Remember that this anthology is for Pride Month.”
Deadline: 31 March 2024
Length: Prefer 3,000-5,000 words
Pay: $25
Details here.
My Galvanized Friend
They is a print publication and they seek submissions of prose and poetry from LGBTQ+ writers in the US. You can read about them here and here and here. “Each 40-page issue includes fiction, nonfiction, and essays between 500 and 3,500 words as well as works of poetry and original works of art by queer artists across the United States. Submissions must be LGBTQIA+ content created by LGBTQIA+ identified submitters.” The theme for their first issue is ‘Firsts’, and the deadline is 1 March 2024. They pay $25 for prose of 500-3,500 words and $10/page for up to 2 pages of poetry. They read year-round, with cut-off dates for issues. Details here.
Tiny Ghost Press is a small press that focuses on publishing YA fiction that centers LGBTQIA+ characters.
Blind Eye Books publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. If you scroll to the bottom of the submissions page you can also see a list of tropes that the publisher is not interested in.
just femme & dandy: Time Travel
just femme & dandy is a biannual literary & arts magazine for and by the LGBTQIA+ community on fashion; they want work on the ‘Time Travel’ theme. They have detailed guidelines, including, “We want to hear about the historical figures that informed your developing queer/trans styles, what you imagine for our queer future. Think Queerasures & Queertopias: Past, Present, and In Futurity! We’re particularly interested in receiving submissions that considers queer fashion, past, present, or future in terms of climate change and fashion’s role in (un)sustainability. We would love to hear from up and coming drag artists and independent fashion designers. You are welcome to send us submissions outside of the theme, but submissions that relate to the theme are highly encouraged. We accept anything that can be displayed on a website: poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tutorial, illustration, comix, photography, painting, video, drag, costume/fashion designs, hot takes, interviews, and so on!”
Deadline: 15 January 2024
Length: Varies
Pay: $50 per text-based submission and up to $150 per multimedia submission (video, photography, image + text, fashion spread + interview, etc.)
Details here.
They welcome submissions on place, climate, and justice – fiction (short story, flash fiction series, novel excerpt, radio play, or other fiction piece), nonfiction, and poetry. They also accept translations, and art. Payment is a minimum of $50. And, “All accepted submissions by writers of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, women, and/or other marginalized communities whose contributions explore place particularly in the context of social, environmental, or climate justice are considered for our annual Editor’s Prize of $500 per genre.” Certain sections, like Letter to America and ArTerrain, are open year-round, and other sections have submission periods, or are open periodically.
Deadline: 31 January for poetry; 31 March 2024 for fiction and nonfiction
Length: Up to 5,000 words for fiction and nonfiction, 2-6 poems
Pay: Minimum of $50
Dragonblade Publishing: Write Track Competition for Historical Romance
This is a contest for a historical romance manuscript, and they want submissions from all writers, including those writing LGBTQ+ romance.
Deadline: 1 February 2024
Value: First prize $1,000 and publishing
Details here.
Poet Lore
This is a biannual print journal of poetry, and their tagline is ‘America’s Oldest Poetry Journal’. They publish both established and emerging poets. They’re currently reading submissions of love poetry from queer poets; the deadline for this call is 5th January 2024. Send up to 3 poems for this special feature; they pay $50 per poem. Their next reading period for unthemed poetry translations is 1 January-30 June 2024, and it is 1 April – 31 May 2024 for general poetry submissions. Details here (general guidelines) and here (Submittable and theme details).
And 40 Literary Journals Accepting Poetry - these aren’t queer specific but it’s a good list nonetheless!
Tree and Stone: Queer as F*. Restrictions: Open to writers/artists who self-identify as queer/LGBTQIA/pan/non-binary. Our cishet/ cisallohet allies, are welcome to submit, but we ask that the story center around a character who self-identifies as queer/LGBTQIA/pan/non-binary. Genre: Short fiction, CNF, art. This issue is to celebrate queerness in all its forms, experiences, and expressions.
JMS Books. Genre: LGBTQ romance stories, 12,000 words minimum. See theme. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: August 31, 2023
Queens in Wonderland. Genre: Fiction. This is an LGBTQ+ Alice in Wonderland themed anthology. 1,500-5,000 word count. Payment: $20. Deadline: August 31, 2023.
New Smut Project: Erato II
They want flash fiction and prose poetry for this anthology. “Send us your most seductive flash fiction and prose poetry! We’re seeking super short writing in any subgenre, featuring characters of any and every orientation and gender, so long as they’re 18+ and express their consent to all erotic activities. Whether they find pleasure through BDSM, fetish, or vanilla encounters; in long-term romances or one-night stands; with one person, a roomful of people, or just themselves, it’s all good. …Usually at least half the stories in our anthologies feature characters who are LGBTQIA+, including the ace spectrum.” Their website says their project name is “kind of funny…for people very serious about quality, diverse erotica”.
Deadline: 31 August 2023
Length: Up to 1,500 words
Pay: $25-45
Details here.
Apparition Lit: Reclamation
Apparition Lit is a quarterly speculative fiction and poetry magazine. “Speculative fiction is weird, almost unclassifiable. It’s fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and literary.” They will be reading submissions on the ‘Reclamation’ theme during the last two weeks in August 2023 (August 15-31st) by all writers; also see the note about their equity initiative in the guidelines here (scroll down) – “Our submission window will remain open for an additional week each quarter for writers who identify as BIPOC and self-identify in their cover letter.
We will also accept simultaneous submissions from writers who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQIA+. Please just note how you identify in your cover letter, that it is a simultaneous submission.”
Reading period: 15-31 August for all writers; an additional week for BIPOC writers (see guidelines)
Length: 1,000-5,000 words for fiction, up to 5 poems
Pay: $0.05/word for fiction, and $50/poem
(They also publish flash fiction online on monthly prompts, during the first fortnight of every month.)
Many thanks to AuthorsPublish.com for the listing below
A bi monthly zine that pays their contributors $40 for creative work, and priortizes BIPOC and LGBTQ+ creatives. Their submission guidelines are here.
Tangled Laces
A magazine focused on publishing writing by queer teen authors between the ages of 14-18.
Afternoon VisitorThis is an online quarterly publication of poetry, hybrid text, visual poetry, and visual art, and they’re particularly interested in giving space to trans + queer writers in each issue.
Dream Pop JournalThey welcome submissions from marginalized voices, and are especially interested in publishing work from emerging writers working in experimental, non-narrative forms. “Please send us your strange utterings, hybrid works, collaborative pieces, visual poetry, collages, and linguistic inventions. We hope that you will challenge the limits of what literature can be and that you will share your results with us.” They publish poetry, a speculative diary, visual art, as well as visual poetry & erasure. They are open year-round.
This is a space for Queer creators and Queer representation. “You do not have to be Queer to submit, but your work should be related to Queer representation”. Also, “If a connection to the Queer community is not readily apparent in your work, let us know your connection in the body of your submission email or your bio.” Send fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and multimedia. They have detailed guidelines for each category. They can offer token payment, of $4 or less. They are open to submissions on a rolling basis
Cosmic Double publishes work from underrepresented writers – including, but not limited to, Black, indigenous, & other writers of color; members of the LGBTQ+ community; adopted, displaced, or separated writers; writers without formal education, including high school, college, or masters level degrees; writers with mental or physical disabilities; new & emerging writers. They’re always open for nonfiction submissions (send up to 4 pages); the deadline for fiction and poetry is 1 April 2023 (see Submittable). Details here (guidelines) and here (Submittable).
The Gay & Lesbian Review: Three themesThe Gay & Lesbian Review is a bimonthly magazine of history, culture, and politics targeting an educated readership of LGBT people, and their allies that publishes themed features (2,000-4,000 words), reviews, interviews, and departments. They have announced three themed calls, and they also invite suggestions for future themes.
— The Age of Innocence: Gay life in the time of Wilde
–– The Great Transformation: From bar culture to hookup world
— LGBT Science: New research on gender & sexual orientation
Writers can send proposals or complete pieces. They pay for features ($200) and full-length book reviews ($100).
A journal of queer plant-based writing, open on a rolling basis.
Screen Door Review
They only publish work by individuals who are Southern and queer. You can learn more about how they define Southern here. They publish flash fiction and poetry.
smoke and mold: Across/With/Through–Trans Writers in Translation a magazine of trans and Two-Spirit nature writing. You can read more about them here and see their Twitter feed here.
Shortwave Publishing: Wilted Pages – An Anthology of Dark AcademiaT hey want horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction horror concerning: Schools, colleges, universities, and/or other educational institutions; Libraries and books; Laboratories and research facilities; Teachers and students; Scholarship and scholarly life; Esoteric/occult learning; Educational technology; The future of learning; The knowledge economy. Deadline 31st March for submissions from underrepresented voices — people of color, LGBTQ2S+, neurodiverse people, people with disabilities, those of marginalized genders.
Through the Portal: Stories from a Hopeful Dystopia, and other calls They welcome international submission, but 90% of the work for the ‘Through the Portal’ anthology will be from people who live in/have ties to Canada. They want submissions from everyone, emerging through established, and from all communities––including but not limited to LGBTQ2S+, Black, Indigenous, marginalized, culturally diverse, the deaf and disabled.
The Canadian arm of Random House changed their submission policy have opened their policy exclusively to LGBTQIA2S+ and BIPOC writers, as well as those from other traditionally underrepresented communities. They are particularly looking for “High quality commercial fiction in the following genres: literary, romance, speculative fiction, historical fiction, and mystery. Please note that we do not currently accept screenplays, stage plays, young adult fiction, children’s fiction, or picture book queries. All non-fiction submissions must be submitted via a literary agent.” They are open to submissions internationally, this is not limited to Canadians.