When Saturn and Jupiter Meet - A King Falls
Photo: The Gamer.
Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn
What’s on Queer BC is excited to welcome the start of a series of articles form Rylen Moore is a queer freelance writer and Astrologer. Read more about Rylen on our Contributors page.
It is said that when Saturn and Jupiter meet, a King falls.
Back in January of this year, before any of us could even fathom what was to come, Saturn moved to conspire with Jupiter and Pluto (and the Sun and Mercury, though I digress) in the sign of Capricorn - the energy stamp of which is notoriously known for its hard work and, yes, hard times.
Though January of 2020 might seem all but a distant memory to us now after having lived through what the rest of the year brought, you may recall the beginnings of the civil unrest experienced much more outright in the following months. You may have begun to pay more attention to the news, both local and international, and perhaps noticed a theme emerging - one of intense power dynamics and upheaval. You may have felt that we were on the brink of something big: a war, even (both literal and symbolic), as tensions continued to build.
With Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter conjunct, we knew then and certainly know now that that is what it was - that the time was coming to fight. With two powerful maelifics (one known for Karmic retribution, the other known for its cycles of destruction and rebirth) coming together with Jupiter (expansion), it wasn’t a hard leap to make to say that something world-changing was coming. Meeting in the 23rd degree of Capricorn as they did on January 12th was a simple rallying of the troops, the rage against the machine. This time and the year that followed, and continues to play out, was when we would experience firsthand as well as bear witness to people breaking the chains that those in power have put upon them - when we would see uprisings, protests, and a call to dismantle the systems that no longer serve (but in fact, abuse) us.
We, on a global scale, have seen this come to pass and still, we are not done. Understand that we have lived through this seeming chaos because with great upheaval comes great transformation. Saturn and Pluto, though maleficent in nature, do not enjoy destruction for destruction’s sake - they simply understand that in order to restore a world in which power is balanced, sometimes revolutions are needed.
When Saturn and Jupiter meet, a King falls. As we near the end of this transit and Saturn makes his way into the sign of Aquarius, we will see a marked and necessary difference in how our society functions - one that is radically different from what we have known and what structurally (Capricorn) failed us. In Aquarius, we will see humanitarian values prevail over individual desires and a total restructuring of the disbursement of power. We will see more literal and proverbial ‘Kings’ fall. Heavy is the head that wears a crown it never deserved… or something like that.
Rylen Moore is a queer freelance writer, LGBTQ+ advocate, and Child & Youth Care graduate. An Albertan-turned-Vancouverite, they use their astrological studies as a framework to better understand and work with at-risk youth as well as run their own chart-reading business. You can find them on Facebook for Moon horoscopes, weekly astrological content, and personal services @ It's Just A Phase (facebook.com/readingsbyrylen) .