Synastry Red Flags: Part II. Still not convinced?


Synastry Red Flags: Part II. Still not convinced?

With competent knowledge of synastry - what is essentially just relationship astrology - we are able to identify potential positive and negative patterns that may come up when two people meet.

To cast a synastry chart, we take the natal charts of two people and lay one on top of the other. We look at how the planets of one fit with the planets and houses of the other, and then vice versa. You’ll need the full information to achieve both natal natal charts to do this - we recommend using the calculators on

Again, before we continue this series, I want to make it clear to those reading that no one aspect can define the strength of a relationship; synastry charts need to be read in their entirety and with consideration to the whole of each person. With that said, there are a few aspects that are trickier to navigate than others and can lend themselves to a relationship that may be more work than it is worth. If you find yourself in a position of experiencing more pain than peace with a person, be this romantic partner or friend, having even just base knowledge of ‘red flag’ aspects in synastry can be helpful to further weigh that out (Part 2 of ?) -

In part one, we touched on Pluto Square/Conjunct Ascendant, and Neptune Square/Opposition Sun.


With Pluto and Mars, we see power dynamics play out in extremes. Think of an intense game of ‘tug of war,’ if you will. Both the Pluto person and Mars person will experience a powerful attraction to one another (almost on a visceral level) and likely take great pleasure in baiting and ‘fighting’ with one another. This relationship is one of great challenge and push and pull, with both Pluto and Mars wanting to prove that they are in control. This can play out in enticing ways but quickly become overwhelming, particularly for the Mars person. The Pluto person may take their desire for full authority over the Mars person through domination (the nature of which can be assessed by Sign or House placement), and become emotionally and sexually manipulative in order to do so as well. This dynamic is known for its push and pull, as I said, so the Pluto person will likely vacillate between extremes of withholding affection and intimacy and suddenly giving it. This can be understandably confusing and intoxicating for the Mars person, as they have a tendency to live for extremes as well - though will likely grow to resent the victimization and lack of control.


It is Uranus’ nature as a planet to be unpredictable, rebellious, and somewhat defiant in the face of structures, people, or ideas it does not like. When Uranus and the Moon make contact in hard aspects such as conjunctions, oppositions, or squares in synastry, we see that very pattern of instability emerge and express itself within the relationship. Even if, as a whole, the Uranus person is a warm, affectionate, and otherwise considerate person both individually and in relationship, in a harsh aspect with the Moon person, they may take on a more aloof and emotionally detached persona. The Uranus person may become a paradigm unto themselves: expressing emotional closeness one minute and then sudden, unprovoked distance the next. This can be upsetting in any relationship, but for the Moon person (who likely relies on emotional stability in order to meet their needs in the relationship), it can cause actual distress. Where one person (the Moon) is asking for someone who can ‘hold it down’ for them, the other person (Uranus) is not capable of doing so. This is at best an unreliable aspect in the relationship that will require adjustment of expectation on the Moon person’s part, or at worst expressed in extremes of emotional abuse at the hands of the Uranus person.


Because Venus’ domain of rulership extends past love and beauty and into financial and material wealth, with this aspect we see the Pluto person again seeking control - though, this time, through resources. This is often done through financial abuse (see: spouses insisting on joint bank accounts that only one has full control over, leaving the other financially dependent upon the ‘owner’ for survival) but also can be done through the Venus person’s talents, physical appearance/body, and the social circle of the Venus person. Very often in the latter cases, we will see the Pluto person setting arbitrary limits on who the Venus person can and cannot speak to, and the Venus person unfortunately being so smitten that they just do as the Pluto person demands. The Venus person will leave friends, family, and all other relationships in order to please the Pluto person - leaving them suddenly alone, save for the Pluto person, and thus more reliant upon them to meet their every need. This is a dangerous and vulnerable position for the Venus person to be in, and yet the perfect one for the Pluto person as they hold all of the power.

Make no mistake about this particular aspect: Pluto’s power over others is immense and extremely hard for the Venus person to ‘get out of.’ This can lead to a pattern of the Venus person attempting to leave the relationship (or else the Pluto person suddenly and unexpectedly cutting the Venus person off), and then coming back to the Pluto person again and again to repeat the toxic cycle.


Jude Goodwin, Astrologer
What is Astrology and how do I get started?
Astrology 101 - The Houses
Astrology 101 - The Planets
Astrology 101 - The Signs & Elements

Rylen Moore, Astrologer
Why Your Ascendant Is That Much More Important Than Your Sun Sign - Rylen Moore
Synastry Red Flags Part I - Rylen Moore
Synastry Red Flags Part II - Rylen Moore

Rylen Moore is a queer freelance writer, LGBTQ+ advocate, and Child & Youth Care graduate. An Albertan-turned-Vancouverite, they use their astrological studies as a framework to better understand and work with at-risk youth as well as run their own chart-reading business. You can find them on Facebook for Moon horoscopes, weekly astrological content, and personal services @ It's Just A Phase ( .

Photo by Nina Hill on Unsplash

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