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Petition launched for the rejection of Ghana's anti-LGBTQI2A+ Bill

Accra, Ghana 

by David Itai

All Out, a global movement for love and equality, has launched an online petition against Ghana's anti-LGBTQI2A+ Bill which is currently before Parliament.

The proposed Bill includes criminalizing LGBTQI2A+ advocacy, requirements to denounce suspects, advocates for conversion therapy and imposes longer jail sentences.

According to research conducted by Afrobarometer in 2014, nearly 90 percent of Ghanaians said they would approve of a decision by the government to criminalize same-sex relationships.

"8 members of Parliament in Ghana have brought forward a Bill that would criminalize the country’s LGBT+ community and its allies. We are calling on the authorities of Ghana to reject this Bill, and to put in place urgently needed protections for LGBT+ people.

The proposed legislation is one of the most severe and cruel anti-LGBT+ Bills to arise in recent history. Local activists describe it as “a homophobe’s dream.”

If passed, anyone suspected of being LGBT+ and anyone who supports LGBT+ friends, coworkers, family members or neighbors could be punished with prison terms of up to five years. Advocating for LGBT+ rights could be punished with up to 10 years in prison.

The Bill also promotes so-called “conversion therapy,” a harmful and discredited practice that claims to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

We are calling on the authorities of Ghana to reject and dismiss this Bill. If Ghana is truly a champion of democracy, as its leaders often claim, then every Ghanaian deserves their rights and freedoms honored, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity," read a post from All Out.

The petition can be signed by clicking on this URL link

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