Chef Tasha Sawyer on Spring Food

Hanami (花見, "flower viewing") is a cherry blossom festival from Japan, that is celebrated by eating (and drinking) under the cherry trees in bloom. Chef Sawyer tells us, “It's like a kind of like a renewed promise that summer will actually come again that the rains have ended.”

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MagazineSophia Kelly
The City of Vancouver’s Transits: March 15-April 15, 2021

Have you ever wondered why everyone around you seems to almost collectively undergo similar - if not the exact same - feelings, motivations, or stressors as you around the same time? This is, of course, in due part to the Moon and her ingress across the night sky, but this can also be said of the other planets transiting the same zones of our lovely Vancouver skyline

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MagazineRylen Moore
Confronting the Gender Binary in Astrology

It is no secret (and certainly not news) to queer and feminist spaces that the gender binary is pervasive in every aspect of our lives, but it would seem that attempts to alter that within spiritual circles is something of a Pandora’s box: the depth of reverie and blind adherence to centering gender and gendered language within mystic spaces is astounding... and often far more insidious than one would think could exist within a sacred space.

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MagazineRylen Moore
I+N Festival Courts Queer Short Film Festival

It’s been a dream of ours to create an event that honours the perfection that can be a short film . We hope audiences, old and new, will take a chance on exploring the many talented and original filmmakers whose work we will be bringing to Canadian audiences for the holidays. Discover and share these little gems. This is our Xmas present to you! Charlie Boudreau, Festival Director

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DiversionsWhat's On Queer BC
Synastry Red Flags: Part II. Still not convinced?

There are a few aspects between the charts of two people that are trickier to navigate than others and can lend themselves to a relationship that may be more work than it is worth. If you find yourself in a position of experiencing more pain than peace with a person, be this romantic partner or friend, having even just base knowledge of ‘red flag’ aspects in synastry can be helpful to further weigh that out.

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MagazineRylen Moore
Last Minute Queer Craft Fair

If you’re like me, you’re missing the excitement of holiday craft fairs and markets. The sounds of happy people exploring the amazing world of craft, the smells of soaps and oils and cloth. We can’t bring all that to you in this virtual reality, but we can feature some local vendors and help you find that perfect last-minute gift.

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The Struggle of Marginalized Voices

It has been some 40 odd years since I’ve heard the words, “I have no choice.” For me, they epitomized the struggle—the moment by moment struggle of marginalized people making room for themselves in a world full of unwelcome. As a lesbian (who is also a woman of color), Opa Hysea-Wise has experienced discrimination and has struggled her whole life to find a sense of belonging

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MagazineWhat's On Queer BC